- Semens Cervix pain treatment
- Diagnosis and treatment of herniatyed disc and cervical disc hernia
- Diagnosis and treatment of arthralgias
- Diagnosis and treatment of Osteoporosis
- Diagnosis and treatment of arthritis
- Diagnosis and treatment of Rheumatismal diseases (Romatord Artrit, Ankilozan spondilit, Fibromyalgia,Pst etc
- Neuro rehabilitation (Cerebrospinal apoplexy,Spastic childeren, polio, Rehabilitation of Multiple sclerosis, etc)
- Ortopedical Rehabilitation (REhabilitation of Prosthetic surgery,Ligament injuries surgery, etc.)
- Hand Rehabilitation (Tendon injuries repair, Contracture, Rehabilitation of Sudeck Athropy)
- Rehabilitation of peripheral nerve injury
- FAcial paralysis
- Eburnation
- Shoulder pain–Frozen shoulder
- Manuel Lenf Drenage
- Bandaging ( MLD)